Based on the modified Diffie-Hellman (DH) protocol, a key distribution
scheme between two correspondents over open communication channels is
considered. The correspondents communicate through a trusted entity. An
attacker can control the communication channels between the
correspondents and the channels between the correspondents and the trusted
authority (TA) and perform active attacks there, including a man-in-themiddle attack. DH authentication protocol using physically unclonable
functions (PUF) is proposed. A formalized PUF model based on the class of
universal hash functions is presented. Namely, it is proposed to use the class
of strictly universal hash functions developed by Wegman and Carter. A
polynomial dependence of the possible number of PPUs on the number of
answers has been proven. Requirements for PPUs suitable for authentication
systems are formulated. The protocol has been analyzed, and its security has
been proved.