The article presents the results and methods of studying the rheological
properties of fine-grained concrete mixtures with various additives, as well as the
regression equation obtained by calculations using the apparatus of mathematical
analysis, which shows the significance of the parameters included in the process of
compaction of the ICZB. These data are necessary for the correct design and selection
of sealing mechanisms in order to obtain the design physical and mechanical
properties of ICZB. In many regions of the world there is an acute shortage of highquality raw materials for large aggregate in conventional concrete, which necessitates
its transportation over distances from 400 to 1000 km. In this regard, the cost of one
cubic meter of coarse aggregate in many regions is 2-3 or more times higher than the
cost of sand, the deposits of which are more common. In addition, obtaining the
desired fractions of quality aggregates requires artificial addition and fractionation of
the resulting granules. The experience of using ICZB for the manufacture of parts and
structures at the plants of ZHBK gave positive results, but in mass construction
(hydraulic), he did not get spread due to insufficient study of physical and mechanical
properties, weak efficiency of existing vibration equipment, insufficient development
of new technological equipment for laying and sealing. In this regard, we believe that
the research aimed at studying the physical and mechanical properties of ICZB and the
further development of technological equipment, methods of laying and sealing for
their widespread implementation, determine the relevance of this problem.