Issatayev, T.; Lukyanov, S.M.; Sereda, Yu.M.; Artukh, A.G.; Aznabayev, D.; Borcea, C.; Calinescu, S.; Erdemchimeg, B.; Hue, B.M.; Kabyshev, A.M.; Klygin, S.A.; Kononenko, G.A.; Kuterbekov, K.A.; Mendibayev, K.; Ostashko, V.V.; Penionzhkevich, Yu.E.; Rotaru, F.; Thiep, T.D.; Vorontsov, A.N.
(Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials, 2019)
Secondary beams ( 6 Li, 7 Be, 8 B) were obtained by the separation of fragmentation products of a
15 N ion beam (50 MeV/A) impinging on a Be target using the COMBAS spectrometer. The secondary
products were detected by ...