Modern mechanical engineering designs (and some others) make more and more demands on the
development of mathematical models of units in which friction is present. A condition that significantly
complicates the study ...
Shanina, Z.; Myrzakulov, R.(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019)
The coupled integrable dispersionless equations have a significant interest because
of structure, integrability, and the possibility of obtaining a soliton solution. In this paper,
we construct soliton surfaces for ...
Soliton surfaces associated with integrable systems play a significant role in physics
and mathematics. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between integrable equations
and differential geometry of surface by ...
In this paper, we consider the (2+1)-dimensional complex modified Korteweg-de Vries and
Maxwell-Bloch (cmKdVMB) equations. Lax pairs of cmKdVMB equations are presented. Using
the Lax pair, we construct a Darboux ...
Sagidullayeva, Zhanna(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2023)
Integrable spin systems with potential are of great interest from the point of view
of theoretical and applied physics. They make it possible to obtain accurate analytical solutions
and study the properties of solitons ...
Azhibekov, A.K.; Samarin, V.V.; Kuterbekov, K.A.; Naumenko, M.A.(Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials, 2019)
The nuclear shell model and its application to studying the structure of nuclei with deformed and spherical
shapes are discussed. Calculations of level energies and wave functions in the shell model of deformed
and ...
Abebe, Amare; Momeni, Davood; Myrzakulov, Ratbay(General Relativity and Gravitation, 2016)
We study a class of shear-free, homogeneous but anisotropic cosmological
models with imperfect matter sources in the context of f (R) gravity. We show that
the anisotropic stresses are related to the electric part of the ...
Tsulaia, M.I; Berikov, D.B.; Salamatin, I.M.; Mareev, Yu.D.; Kopatch, Yu.N.; Zhumadilov, K.Sh.(Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials, 2018)
The experimental setup KOLKHIDA has been designed to study the interactions of polarized neutrons with polarized nuclei, in particular to study the neutron nuclear precession (nuclear pseudomagnetism) and also for ...