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The current state of milk and dairy production in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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dc.contributor.author Utegenov, E.K.
dc.contributor.author Maidyrova, A.B.
dc.contributor.author Iskakov, A.Zh.
dc.date.accessioned 2023-08-23T10:05:18Z
dc.date.available 2023-08-23T10:05:18Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.issn 2079-620Х
dc.identifier.uri http://rep.enu.kz/handle/enu/5447
dc.description.abstract The article discusses the problems of the milk and dairy products market in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the regional context. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current state of milk and dairy production, based on which the tasks are: monitoring the number of dairy cows by category of farms, analysis of milk and dairy production in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, analysis of milk and dairy production, analysis of imports of milk and dairy products from the EAEU countries. In different years, scientists in Kazakhstan have been conducting research on this issue, but the problem remains open. In the process of writing the article, such research methods as observation, as well as comparative and other methods of cognition are used. The information base was statistical data on the production of milk and dairy products in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the work of Kazakhstani scientists. The article analyzes the number of dairy cows, analyzes the production of milk and dairy products, analyzes the import of dairy products from the EAEU countries. The solution to these issues will contribute to the development of the dairy products industry in Kazakhstan. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University ru
dc.subject dairy products ru
dc.subject production ru
dc.subject region ru
dc.subject farm ru
dc.subject agriculture ru
dc.subject enterprise ru
dc.subject raw materials ru
dc.title The current state of milk and dairy production in the Republic of Kazakhstan ru
dc.type Article ru

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