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Türkiye türkçesininöğretiminde görülen dil GİrİŞİmiolayı üzerİne

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dc.contributor.author Маемерова, А.Р.
dc.contributor.author Жиембаева, Г.Т.
dc.date.accessioned 2023-04-25T05:36:22Z
dc.date.available 2023-04-25T05:36:22Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.isbn 978-601-337-389-8
dc.identifier.uri http://rep.enu.kz/handle/enu/70
dc.description.abstract Despite the fact that Modern Turkic Languageshave common roots, theyare showingsmall differences in their structures laid in every level oflanguage system caused by extra linguistic conditions of known historical processes. Just ifwe compare learning processes ofrelatively close languages with those which are completely foreign to each other, naturally the first is shorter than the latter. However, by reason ofcloseness between languages it becomes apparent that consciously or unconsciously, when close language is beinglearned it's always under certain influence oflearning person's mothertongue.The person learning another language can make mistakes and confusions caused by knowledge of his or her mother language or another previously learned language and this complexity is explained by the phenomenon called as language interference. This report is about the language interference often occurring in bilingual societies, when there are influences of mother language among Kazakh nationals studying Turkish Language. Language interference usuallyemerges in the form oforthography, grammar, phonetics and lexicology. In order to be more specific, this report studies grammatical interference occuring in writing, speaking among Kazakh nationals learning Turkish Language, shows examples ofmistaken usage in morphological and syntaxical level caused by influence of mother language. We think this report will be beneficial for developing the methods oflearning relatively close language and create exercises for their effective learning. ru
dc.language.iso tr ru
dc.publisher L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University ru
dc.subject Kazaks ru
dc.subject Turkish ru
dc.subject mother tongue influence ru
dc.subject language interference ru
dc.title Türkiye türkçesininöğretiminde görülen dil GİrİŞİmiolayı üzerİne ru
dc.type Article ru

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