Просмотр по теме "N.benthamiana"

Просмотр по теме "N.benthamiana"

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  • Satu, Albina Samatkyzy; Kumargazy, Karina Daurenkyzy; Beisekova, Moldir Kudiyarbekovna; Kurmanbayeva, Assylay Baktybayevna; Iksat, Nurgul Nurkanatkyzy; Akbasova, Alua Zholdasbaevna (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2024)
    The effect of biotic and abiotic stress reduces and limits crop yields. In this study, molybdenum created an abiotic stress condition, while biotic stress was generated by inoculation of Tomato Bushy Stress Virus (TBSV) ...