Просмотр по теме "objective and subjective modality"

Просмотр по теме "objective and subjective modality"

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  • Mukhtarullina, Aigul; Issakova, Sabira; Alimbek, Gaukhar; Issakova, Assylymay (World Journal of English Language, 2024-07)
    The article is devoted to the pragmatic aspect of modality representation in the English mass-media discourse. The categorial status of modality, typology of modal meanings and their interaction have been examined from the ...
  • Mukhtarullina, Aigul; Issakova, Sabira; Alimbek, Gaukhar; Issakova, Assylymay (World Journal of English Language, 2024)
    The article is devoted to the pragmatic aspect of modality representation in the English mass-media discourse. The categorial status of modality, typology of modal meanings and their interaction have been examined from ...