Each person wants to think creatively. Each company wants to
sell products that are in demand. Therefore, for developing mind creativelythe roll
of “Design thinking” is huge. There in article about design thinking will be given
some tips from David Kelley who is considered as a father of design thinking. The
idea of “design thinking” was first formulated by Herbert Simon in 1969 in his
book “The Sciences of the Artificial” then he opened “D school” at Stanford
University for developing design thinking among students. Moreover, in the
article will be considered some tips for using design thinking by taking ideas from
surrounding from the book “Steal like an artist” written by Austin Kleon.
Furthermore, to promote design thinking in your workplace or between colleagues
was given some advice from the book “Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits,
Passion, and Purpose» which was written by Tony Hsieh. Also design thinking
widely used in Architectural design to build new modern buildings without
damaging old ones. Design thinking exploited everywhere and anywhere where
creativity and developing is used.