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  • Ishanova, A.K. (Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2013)
    The following article addresses the problem of modification of media texts, seeking to borrow main external techniques of literary narrative, which lead to the emasculation of the verbal nature of information to the ...
  • Yesdauletova, Ardak; Yesdauletov, Aitmukhanbet (TRAMES, 2014)
    This paper is dedicated to developments related to integration processes between Kazakhstan, Russia, and Belarus, which have collective existence as the Customs Union and the Single Economic Space. If matters progress ...
  • Sadykov, Turtubek Umutkanovich; Taizhanov, Azamat Aytbayevich (Asian Social Science, 2014)
    In this work the questions connected with the solution of problems of development of the electronic government in Kazakhstan are considered. Character of such problems and a way of their solution are presented. The ...
  • Kulshmanov, Kanat; Ishanova, Assima (Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014)
    The article deals with features of functioning of news agencies in terms of postmodern situation. There is a comparison of traditional and new principles of work, identification of new trends and issues (information ...
  • Yeskeldiyeva, Bibigul Yergaliyevna; Tazhibayeva, Saule Zhaksylykbaevna (Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015)
    The paper is devoted to a category of comparison in Kazakh and Turkic languages of Siberia. Kazakh is one of the Turkic languages of the Kipchak subgroup according to Baskakov’s classification, or the Northwestem branch, ...
  • Doszhan, R.K. (Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015)
    This article is devoted to Shoqan Walikhanov and the elaboration of the idea of development and social progress of the Kazakh scientist orientalist, historian, ethnographer, geographer, folklorist of the XIX century. Many ...
  • Zhanar, Abdibek; Aimukhambet, Zhanat; Abylkhamitkyzy, Rysgul; Abdimomynov, Nurtas (Asian Social Science, 2015)
    The article deals with the problems of mythological personages in literature and culture of the Turkic peoples. It is known that the tribes of Turkic ancient epochs formed the nomad culture. And the basic core of this ...
  • Mazhitayeva, Shara; Rapisheva, Zhanat; Kagazbayev, Zhanbyrbay; Toleubayeva, Kamshat; Zhumagulov, Aitbay; Zhumagulov, Sagymbay; Smagulova, Nurbibi (Asian Social Science, 2015)
    The issues relating to the creating, formation, systematizing and putting in good order the terminology as a phenomenon is of vital importance for full-blended functioning of the Kazakh language in various fields of science. ...
  • Kaskabasov, Seit Askarovich; Baytanasova, Karlygash Medetovna; Sagynadin, Gulnaz Sagynadinkyzy (Asian Social Science, 2015)
    The purpose of this article is the consideration of the appearance of the character of the “Albasta”, methods of its of research/strengthening as a character in the folklore of Turkic peoples. The comparison of functions ...
  • Ibrayeva, Akmaral Gosmanovna; Kalkeyeva, Kamariyash Raikhanovna; Ussembayeva, Assiya Khamitovna; Sanakulova, Bibinur Kanymbaevna (Review of European Studies, 2015)
    In an article, actual problem of modern educational policy of Kazakhstan is considered, especially the need to use time-tested arsenal to ensure the priority development of the national education system. Novelty and ...
  • Kulzhabayava, Lyazzat; Bultabayeva, Kulzhanat; Tanibergenova, Anar; Bazarbayeva, Klara; Shonayeva, Aizhan; Rakhmetulina, Maiken; Amrina, Minar; Konkina, Gulbarshin Spanovna (Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015)
    This article considers the gnoseological aspect of cross-cultural communication. The terms “linguistic consciousness" and “intension” are detailed in the article. Knowledge about education science and psychology of ...
  • Turysbekova, Gulzhan; Ospanov, Yerzhan; Alimkulova, Elvira (Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015)
    The article studies peculiarities of implementation of governmental support of industrial and innovative development of the economy; theoretical aspects of the incentive function of the state and main forms and methods ...
  • Sadvokassova, Zakish T.; Orazbayeva, Altaiy I.; Sadykova, Aigul M. (Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015)
    The article is written on the basis of scientific researches of the Soviet and modern historians both from the CIS-countries and abroad. The problem attracts attention and is of scientific interest due to the fact that ...
  • Seitkazy, Perizat Baiteshovna; Kalkeyeva, Kamariyash Raikhanovna; Aimagambetova, Roza Khussainovna; Kassymbekova, Nurilya Sabetkanovna; Tashetov, Amanzhol Askarovich; Jexembayeva, Gulnur Sabetkanovna (Review of European Studies, 2015)
    In this article extremely understudied problem—the development of educational content is considered. Studying of this problem at the present stage, according to the authors, creates conditions for the development and ...
  • Abdikakimov, Mukhtar (Asian Social Science, 2015)
    The article examines the changing values—individualism, and collectivism in Kazakhstan in the context of generational difference. In the years since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan has experienced ...
  • Taubayeva, Zhazira Ayapbergenovna (Asian Social Science, 2015)
    China’s growth to prominence in the international community after the end of the Cold War, the upturn in economic power and population numbers projects that China is able to become the leading world power within several ...
  • Zhanarstanova, Maral Bakhytzhanovna; Nechayeva, Elena Leonidovna (Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015)
    Kazakhs constitute the majority of the population (over 63%) in Kazakhstan and their predominance in all spheres is understandable. However, there is a disparity in the percentage of Kazakhs in government and in the ...
  • Buribayeva, Aigerim K.; Sharipbay, Altynbek A. (Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015)
    This paper describes the method of recognition of Kazakh vowels at the beginning of the words using Dynamic Time Warping algorithm. This can be used for acceleration of recognition since word’s first sound identification ...
  • Yeskeldiyeva, Bibigul Yergaliyevna; Tazhibayeva, Saule Zhaksylykbaevna (Asian Social Science, 2015)
    The paper is devoted to the problem of multilingualism and multilingual education in modern Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is a multiethnic and multi-religious state, where live more than 126 representatives of different ethnic ...
  • Aubakirova, Karlygash (Asian Social Science, 2015)
    This article analyzes historical and political views in the translations of the Kazakh writer Jusupbek Aimautuly from Jack London’s works. It was the first time when Jack London who is the representative of American ...

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