The paper is devoted to the study of radiation-induced damage kinetics in beryllium
oxide ceramics under irradiation with low-energy helium ions with fluences of 1015–1018 ion/cm2
It was revealed that at irradiation fluences above 1017 ion/cm2
, a decrease in radiation-induced
damage formation and accumulation rate is observed, which indicates the saturation effect. At the
same time, the main mechanisms of structural changes caused by irradiation at these fluences are
amorphization processes and dislocation density increase, while at fluences of 1015–1016 ion/cm2
the main mechanisms of structural changes are due to the reorientation of crystallites and a change
in texture, with a small contribution of crystal lattice distorting factors. It was discovered that the
radiation-induced damage accumulation as well as an implanted helium concentration increase
leads to the surface layer destruction, which is expressed in the ceramic surface hardness and wear
resistance deterioration. It was determined that with irradiation fluences of 1015–1016 ion/cm2
, the
decrease in thermal conductivity is minimal and is within the measurement error, while an increase
in the irradiation fluence above 1017 ion/cm2
leads to an increase in heat losses by more than 10%.