The article deals with the occurrence of Cretaceous deposits in the territory of Aktobe region and
geographical ground of their reflection in local toponyms. Aktobe region is characterized by the complexity of the
terrain in West Kazakhstan. Terrain features are influenced by its geological structure and terrain-forming factors.
The map presents a selection of toponyms including the words ak, bor, saz, kum, shagyl which correspond to the
formations of lower Cretaceous and upper Cretaceous deposits widespread in the western part of the region. The
percent of oronyms, hydronyms and oikonyms in the toponyms of 141 names selected in the study area was analyzed
with subsequent representation on the diagram. The analysis of the names of Aktolagay, Akshatau, Belogorka, Aktau,
Akzhar, etc., indicating the reflection in toponyms of such physical properties of rocks as composition, color and the
rate of their frequency is carried out, the results are presented in a table. The map shows the position of geographical
features corresponding to the outcropping Cretaceous beds and photos of the area are provided.