Objective: The aim of this research is to analyze the feasibility and impact of the Tri N-based E-PBL STEM
learning model on students' critical thinking skills and verbal representation in science learning.
Theoretical framework: The competencies students must have in the 4.0 era are not just hard skills but more soft
skills such as critical thinking and verbal representation. Learning must be able to facilitate the development of
these skills while still upholding the teachings of the nation's culture. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a
learning model based on problems, STEM and Tamansiswa Tri N teachings while still integrating technological
advances with augmented reality.
Method: The method used is quasi experiment with a one group pre test-post test research design. This quasi
experimental research uses only one experimental class without using the control class as a comparison..
Results and conclusion: The research results show that the Tri-N based EPBL-STEM model was rated "Very
good" by the validator with a total score of 114, meaning it exceeds 85.5. This is reinforced by 100%
implementation of the RPP and 82.4% student response, which means they really like this model and practicality
results from practitioners are 87.5%. The Tri N-based E-PBL STEM model also has the impact of increasing
students' critical thinking skills scores and verbal representations through the GAin test. The average gain score
for each material is 0.64. Meanwhile, the average scores for critical thinking skills and verbal representation were
0.64 and 0.70 respectively. The conclusion that there is an increase in students' critical thinking skills and verbal
representation in the medium category. The findings of this research show that the Tri N-based EPBL-STEM
model developed is very good and very practical, so it is very suitable to be applied in learning.
Implications of the research: This research is limited to the variables of critical thinking skills and verbal
representation of science as a first step to increasing students' soft skill competencies in building their own
knowledge freely and comfortably.
Originality: In the developing skills for the 4.0 era towards 5.0, this research is based on problem-based learning
combined with STEM and Tamansiswa Tri N teachings by integrating AR.