The relevance of the study is due to the rapid growth of construction of
buildings and structures in large cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan over the past thirty
years. An engineering-geological assessment of the area is necessary to support the decision-making process on the location of structures, as well as to ensure that the construction of facilities is carried out with less negative environmental impact, accompanied by
a reduction in danger and damage to both construction, society, and the economy. As
a result, it is necessary to systematize and analyze previously obtained data using modern
geoinformation systems (GIS). The relevance of the introduction of GIS in geotechnical
research is due to the fact that geoinformation systems and technologies allow creating,
storing, analyzing, processing and providing the consumer with spatially distributed information, where the main means of communication for visualizing geotechnical data are
special geotechnical maps, so how modern GIS have a wide arsenal of basic methods of
spatial analysis that can and should be used to solve the problems of typification of engineering-geological conditions. The results of this work demonstrate the ability of GIS technologies to analyze engineering and geological conditions and zoning development areas
according to the types of bases and foundations in such cities of Kazakhstan as Astana
and Pavlodar.