The paper presents discussions of the bearing capacities of precast concrete
piles from construction site of the Construction of multifunctional family-entertainment and
tourist area in the city of Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. According to the design drawings construction site was planned to be installed by precast concrete piles. PCPs were composed with crosssection of 30 cm × 30 cm with the length of bottom segment 7.0m. In paper presented in-situ
static vertical loading tests on C7-30 driven piles were carried out on the construction site of the
Parking Zone P1, P2 of the Project ‘Construction of multifunctional family-entertainment and
tourist area in the city of Nur-Sultan, from 05 to 13 February, 2021. The permissible load on
the pile, taking into account the safety factor γk =1.2 in accordance with Standard should be
taken equal to – 681 kN, 800 kN respectively.