Agrogels, a hydrogel applied in the soil that collects water during irrigation or rainfall and distributes moisture to plant roots
during drought, are a solution to water shortage concerns. Extending the release of low molecular weight chemicals has the
potential to minimise mineral fertiliser losses as well as water and soil pollution. Tus, the aim of the research is to obtain chitosan
from insect chitin, to synthesize a hydrogel based on chitosan with included mineral and organic fertilisers, and to report on
experiments with agrogels in the feld. In this study, chitosan was obtained from the adult beetles Zophobas morio. IR spectroscopy
was used to examine chitosan. Te existence of absorption lines typical of primary amines was demonstrated. In one step,
a technique for the manufacture of chitosan-based hydrogels containing embedded mineral fertilisers was established. Hydrogel
has a swelling coefcient of 60 g/g. Agrogels were evaluated while planting spruce seedlings on “Semei Ormany” LLP experimental
locations. Te survival rate of seedlings was found to be 40% higher in the experimental group than in the control group