A new trend in the development of immersive technologies has
become augmented reality (AR), which is in demand due to its property to implement visual objects to enrich the learning content. The paper is devoted to the
study of the applicability of AR technologies for evaluating learning activities
since there is a problem of inconsistency of teaching approaches with tools that
lead to biased results. This led to the development of the “AR Quiz” application
that contains interaction types such as touch-based, voice, input field, gaze and
gesture that stimulate activities. In combination with 10 other forms of assessment materials, its application field has expanded and the tasks for students have
diversified. The present study provides the calculation of validity and reliability
coefficients of the assessment materials contained in the “AR Quiz” application
that reflects the suitability of indicators for the purpose, accuracy and stability of
measurements. The paper reveals positive attitudes of expert teachers and students towards the use of AR when evaluating learning activities. Along with integration map of compliance of AR interaction types with assessment materials,
the paper provides recommendations for teachers on evaluating learning activities based on AR.