Ceramic samples of cerium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG:Ce) were successfully synthesized
utilizing a high-powered electron flux field with a considerable energy level of 1.4 MeV and a power density of 23
kW/cm2. The ceramics were formed in a remarkable time span of just one second from a specifically prepared mix
of yttrium, aluminum, and cerium oxides. The process of radiation-assisted synthesis of ceramics within radiation
flux fields fundamentally deviates from the methodologies commonly employed today. Analyzed diffraction
patterns closely align with those documented for YAG:Ce crystals, both in peak position and proportion.
Furthermore, every sample consistently demonstrated a space group symmetry of Ia-3d. The luminescence and
excitation spectra of ceramics synthesized in this study closely resemble those of YAG:Ce ceramics produced by
other methods and YAG:Ce - based phosphors. The luminescence bands exhibit high efficiency, and the intensity
ratios of the UV bands vary among the studied phosphors. The ceramics' radiation-to-luminescence conversion
efficiency was found to be impressive, achieving scores of 0.57 and 0.48 in the industrial phosphors SDL 4000
and YAG-02, respectively. It was also observed that an increase in quantum efficiency of the samples could be
achieved via high-temperature annealing. High conversion efficiency underscores the potential of the outlined
luminescent ceramics synthesis method.