Посмотр Physics and Astronomy по дате публикации

Посмотр Physics and Astronomy по дате публикации

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  • Abebe, Amare; Momeni, Davood; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (General Relativity and Gravitation, 2016)
    We study a class of shear-free, homogeneous but anisotropic cosmological models with imperfect matter sources in the context of f (R) gravity. We show that the anisotropic stresses are related to the electric part of the ...
  • Hayakawa, S.; Spitaleri, C.; Burtebayev, N.; Aimaganbetov, A.; Figuera, P.; Fisichella, M.; Guardo, G.L.; Igamov, S.; Indelicato, I.; Kiss, G.; Kliczewski, S.; Cognata, M. La; Lamia, L.; Lattuada, M.; Piasecki, E.; Rapisarda, G.G.; Romano, S.; Sakuta, S.B.; Siudak, R.; Trzcinska, A.; Tumino, A.; Urkinbayev, A. (EPJ Web of Conferences, 2016)
    The 16O+16O fusion reaction is important in terms of the explosive oxygen burning process during late evolution stage of massive stars as well as understanding of the mechanism of low-energy heavy-ion fusion reactions. ...
  • Неизвестный автор (International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016)
  • Demyanova, A.S.; Ogloblin, A.A.; Danilov, A.N.; Goncharov, S.A.; Belyaeva, T.L.; Sobolev, Yu.G.; Khlebnikov, S.V.; Burtebaev, N.; Trzaska, W.; Heikkinen, P.; Tyurin, G.P.; Janseitov, D.; Gurov, Yu.B. (EPJ Web of Conferences, 2016)
  • Momeni, D.; Houndjo, M. J. S.; Gudekli, E.; Rodrigues, M. E.; Alvarenga, F. G.; Myrzakulov, R. (International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016)
  • Akhmetova, Z.; Zhuzbaev, S.; Boranbayev, S. (ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, 2016)
  • Jawad, Abdul; Momeni, Davood; Rani, Shamaila; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (Astrophysics and Space Science, 2016)
    This paper is devoted to an analysis of the dynamical instability of a self-gravitating object that undergoes a collapse process. We take the framework of generalized teleparallel gravity with a cylindrically symmetric ...
  • Shahalam, M.; Pacif, S. K. J.; Myrzakulov, R. (Eurasian Physical Technical Journal C, 2016)
  • Nugmanova, G.; Azimkhanova, A. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2016)
    In this paper we consider the coupled Kadomtsev-Petviashvili system. From compatibility conditions we obtain the form of matrix operators. After using a gauge transformation, obtained a new type of Lax representation for ...
  • Raza, Muhammad; Myrzakulov, Kairat; Momeni, Davood; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016)
    In this paper,we investigate the mathematical modeling for the cosmological attractors propagated in mimetic gravity upon which an interacting dark energy-dark matter is supposed to be existed. The average value of the ...
  • Momeni, Davood; Myrzakulov, Kairat; Myrzakulov, Ratbay; Raza, Muhammad (Eurasian Physical Journal C, 2016)
    This paper is devoted to investigate cylindrical solutions in mimetic gravity. The explicit forms of the metric of this theory, namely mimetic-Kasner (say) have been obtained. In this study we have noticed that the ...
  • Myrzakulov, Ratbay; Sebastiani, Lorenzo (Symmetry, 2016)
    In this paper, we investigated inflationary solutions for a subclass of Horndeski models where a scalar field is non-minimally coupled with the Gauss–Bonnet invariant. Examples of canonical scalar field and k-essence to ...
  • Myrzakul, Shynaray; Myrzakulov, Ratbay; Sebastiani, Lorenzo (Astrophysics and Space Science, 2016)
    In this paper, we investigate a simple class of Horndeski models where the scalar field plays the role of a k-essence fluid. We present several solutions for earlytime universe, namely inflation and cosmological bounce, by ...
  • Myrzakulov, Ratbay; Sebastiani, Lorenzo (Astrophysics and Space Science, 2016)
  • Myrzakulov, Ratbay; Sebastiani, Lorenzo (Astrophysics and Space Science, 2016)
    In this paper, we analyze a simple class of Horndeski scalar-tensor theory. We investigate several cosmological solutions for inflation, bounce scenario and finite future-time singularities. Perturbations respect ...
  • Ahmadov, A. I.; Aydin, C.; Myrzakulov, R.; Uzun, O. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2016)
    We calculate the contribution of the higher-twist Feynman diagrams to the largepT inclusive gluon production cross section in πp collisions incase of the running coupling and frozen coupling approaches within perturbative ...
  • Momeni, D.; Raza, M.; Gholizade, H.; Myrzakulov, R. (International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016)
  • Iskakov, K.; Boranbayev, S.; Alimbayeva, Z.; Issin, B. (ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, 2016)
    The paper presents engineering methods for the interpretation of georadarograms. For this purpose experimental research using ground-penetrating radar “Zond-12c” were carried out, in which artificial objects, placed in the ...
  • Kusmartsev, F. V.; Krevchik, V. D.; Semenov, M. B.; Filatov, D. O.; Shorokhov, A. V.; Bukharaev, A. A.; Dakhnovsky, Y.; Nikolaev, A. V.; Pyataev, N. A.; Zaytsev, R. V.; Krevchik, P. V.; Egorov, I. A.; Yamamoto, K.; Aringazin, A. K. (JETP Letters, 2016)
    We observe a series of sharp resonant features in the tunneling differential conductance of InAs quantum dots. We found that dissipative quantum tunneling has a strong influence on the operation of nanodevices. Because ...

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