dc.description.abstract |
We extend the anholonomic frame and connection deformation method, AFCDM, for constructing exact
and parametric solutions in general relativity, GR, to geometric flow models and modified gravity theories, MGTs, with
nontrivial torsion and nonmetricity fields. Following abstract
geometric or variational methods, we can derive corresponding systems of nonmetric gravitational and matter field equations which consist of very sophisticate systems of coupled
nonlinear PDEs. Using nonholonomic frames with dyadic
spacetime splitting and applying the AFCDM, we prove that
such systems of PDEs can be decoupled and integrated in
general forms for generic off-diagonal metric structures and
generalized affine connections. We generate new classes of
quasi-stationary solutions (which do not depend on time like
coordinates) and study the physical properties of some physically important examples. Such exact or parametric solutions
are determined by nonmetric solitonic distributions and/or
ellipsoidal deformations of wormhole hole configurations.
It is not possible to describe the thermodynamic properties of such solutions in the framework of the Bekenstein–
Hawking paradigm because such metrics do not involve, in
general, certain horizons, duality, or holographic configurations. Nevertheless, we can always elaborate on associated Grigori Perelman thermodynamic models elaborated for
nonmetric geometric flows. In explicit form, applying the
AFCDM, we construct and study the physical implications
of new classes of traversable wormhole solutions describing solitonic deformation and dissipation of non-Riemannian
geometric objects. Such models with nontrivial gravitational
off-diagonal vacuum are important for elaborating models of
dark energy and dark matter involving wormhole configurations and solitonic-type structure formation. |
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