We consider a scenario of large-scale modification of gravity that does not invoke extra
degrees of freedom, but includes coupling between baryonic matter and dark matter in the Einstein
frame. The total matter energy density follows the standard conservation, and evolution has the
character of deceleration in this frame. The model exhibits interesting features in the Jordan frame
realised by virtue of a disformal transformation where individual matter components adhere to
standard conservation but gravity is modified. A generic parametrization of disformal transformation
leaves thermal history intact and gives rise to late time acceleration in the Jordan frame, which
necessarily includes phantom crossing, which, in the standard framework, can be realised using at
least two scalar fields. This scenario is embodied by two distinguished features, namely, acceleration
in the Jordan frame and deceleration in the Einstein frame, and the possibility of resolution of the
Hubble tension thanks to the emergence of the phantom phase at late times.