dc.description.abstract |
We construct a holographic dark energy scenario
based on Kaniadakis entropy, which is a generalization of
Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy that arises from relativistic statistical theory and is characterized by a single parameter K
which quantifies the deviations from standard expressions,
and we use the future event horizon as the Infrared cutoff. We
extract the differential equation that determines the evolution
of the effective dark energy density parameter, and we provide analytical expressions for the corresponding equationof-state and deceleration parameters. We show that the universe exhibits the standard thermal history, with the sequence
of matter and dark-energy eras, while the transition to acceleration takes place at z ≈ 0.6. Concerning the dark-energy
equation-of-state parameter we show that it can have a rich
behavior, being quintessence-like, phantom-like, or experience the phantom-divide crossing in the past or in the future.
Finally, in the far future dark energy dominates completely,
and the asymptotic value of its equation of state depends on
the values of the two model parameters |
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