Now the problems and conditions of environmental safety occupy an important
place in the world. In this regard, in order to solve environmental problems, our state is engaged in
environmental education and environmental education. In the scientific article, the nature of the
problem of environmental education in the East Kazakhstan region, which is one of the regions with
a low environmental situation in the Republic, is determined and studied on a legislative basis. In
particular, specialists in the field of Ecology in higher educational institutions of the East Kazakhstan
region and the problems of environmental education in the secondary education system will be
analyzed. In the article, improving environmental education is considered as one of the main tasks,
and media monitoring is carried out to identify some issues of the environmental situation in the East
Kazakhstan region. For the development of ecological culture, control over the culture of Asian and European countries is carried out. As a result of the study, ways to improve environmental education in the East Kazakhstan region are proposed. As an example, the achievements of the region in the field of environmental education and its implementation in the form of practice in order to form an ecological culture are given. The importance of environmental education in the formation of ecological culture is emphasized.