Browsing by Subject "value"

Browsing by Subject "value"

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  • Mukhanbetkaliev, Yesbol E.; Mamazhanova, Elmira K. (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2023)
    In this article, manifestations of the gender concept in human society as well as cultural and spiritual framework are analyzed from a philosophical perspective. Theoretical foundations of the postmodern paradigms of the ...
  • Malikova, Assel M.; Imanzhusyp, Raushan; Rakimzhanova, Sayana K. (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2023)
    In today’s period of dynamics and transformation, we can trace the comprehensive search of modern society for the reconstruction of the national cultural and value-based environment. Identifying your own culture from the ...
  • Mustafina, Tolganay V.; Abdibek, Arailym D.; Amangeldiyev, Assan A. (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2022)
    At present, the transformation of ethical, social, cultural, and geopolitical processes in our social reality at a new level requires from humanity a special qualitative formation of the level of consciousness. In this ...
  • Abdikerimova, Gulnar; Duisekova, Kuliyash; Bissenbayeva, Zhanat (XLinguae, 2020)
    In the multifaceted social life of modern France, the concept (phenomenon?) Of “secularism” - “Laicité” belongs among the most essential topics discussed today. It represents one of the fundamental values of the country, ...

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