This study investigates the dynamics of a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic LRS Bianchi typeI universe with viscous fluid in the framework of f(Q) symmetric teleparallel gravity. We assume a
linear form for f(Q) and introduce hypotheses regarding the relationship between the expansion and
shear scalars, as well as the Hubble parameter and bulk viscous coefficient. The model is constrained
using three observational datasets: the Hubble dataset (31 data points), the Pantheon SN dataset (1048
data points), and the BAO dataset (6 data points). The calculated cosmological parameters indicate
expected behavior for matter-energy density and bulk viscous pressure, supporting the universe’s
accelerating expansion. Diagnostic tests suggest that the model aligns with a ACDM model in the far
future and resides in the quintessence region. These findings are consistent with recent observational
data and contribute to our understanding of cosmic evolution within the context of modified gravity
and bulk viscosity.