The differential cross-sections of deuteron elastic and inelastic scattering on 13C
target were measured at the cyclotron U-150M INP, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Accelerated deuteron
ion energy was 14.5 MeV. The results of the study are new experimental data for the d + 13C
process of elastic and inelastic scattering to the 3.68 (3/2
−), 6.86 (5/2
+) and 7.55 (5/2
excited states of the 13C nucleus. The optical model with either a Woods–Saxon potential or a
double folding model were used for analyzing the experimental results on elastic scattering. We
performed theoretical calculations within the framework the coupled channel (CC) method for
the indicated excited states. The optimal deformation parameters for the excited states of 13C
nucleus were extracted