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The cluster and single-particle states in 13C (α,α)13C reactions
Mynbayev, N A; Nurmukhanbetova, A K; Goldberg, V Z; Rogachev, G V; Golovkov, M S; Koloberdin, M; Ivanov, I; Nauruzbayev, D K; Berdibek, Sh S; Rakhymzhanov, A M; Tribble, R E
The excitation functions of elastic scattering of 13C on alpha particle have been
measured using the thick-target inverse kinematic method at the heavy ion DC-60 cyclotron.
The helium gas was used as a target and also as a degrader to stop the beam. New data
(including 180°degree) of the resonances close to the threshold in 17O have been obtained.